May 29, 2023
"There wasn't any natural way to restore the mines... so my pappy... he started checking into unnatural ways... the occult... and the supernatural... Then one night... I guesss he thought he was ready... He gathered up all the mystic books as such he'd been collecting... and carried them into the mine... And that was the last anyone ever saw of my pappy... Oh, there was the scream that night of course..." With issue #8 of Swamp Thing, Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson turn their sites on Lovecraftian horror after Swamp Thing has wrapped up his initial origin loose threads. Erik Hanson comes on as a guest to discuss the issue and our relationship with Lovecraft.
Reader: Erik Hanson of Cradle to the Grave
Original Music: Jim Laczkowski of Now Playing Network
Logo: Nat Almirall of Where the Long Tail Ends
Dedicated to the Memory of John Bierly