Apr 22, 2024
"If there is truly a heaven, sweet Linda... I pray to God you're happy there... And there must be a heaven... because I know there is a hell... I'm living in that hell right now...!"
We reach the end of the second season with "The Leviathan Conspiracy" wrapping up Len Wein's orignal run. Nestor Redondo supplies the art...
Mar 17, 2024
"Home..? Who'd have ever thought that one day... I would call this dismal bog home..."
Len Wein and Nestor Redondo explore the cursed, never ending life of Milo Mobius in this time travel adventure. It's a definite change of pace for Swamp Thing as we near the end of Len Wein's run.
Reader: Nat Almirall of Where the...
Feb 14, 2024
"How long he has stood here, gazing sadly at the ruptured ruins of the mouldering barn that was once his private laboratory, he cannot remember-- nor would it truly matter if he did--"
It's a changing of the guard as Nestor Redondo steps in to art duties after Bernie Wrightson had left. Returning guest Erik Hanson steps...